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The spout at the bottom had a spring-loaded control valve attached to a rope which allowed the officer administering the punishment to control the amount of water poured down upon the prisoner's head. We had a Balkan salad which was dripping in dressing, a uniquely German feature and I did not enjoy that so much. Unlike its close relative, the cangue, yokes were not normally used as punishment.

The outdoor terrace is really nice and has seating for about 80-100 people. The place is ok for beers but nothing else.

Taverne Zur Schandgeige, Munich - My food looked and tested like it was yesterday especially the sauce had a weird thickness that you get when it is old and my wife's potato salad was so sour that it could barely be eaten. Du bist vielleicht bunt angemalt oder hast ein wenig Metal im Gesicht oder gar einen langen Bart, das ficht uns nicht an.

These stocks are fixed at the highest point of a central post or posts to both sidesforcing the occupant to stand with his head and hands thus constrained. As the stocks, the higher stock can be hinged or sliding. It is a portable schandgeige, in which stocks are not attached to a post. Its weight is supported by the occupant's shoulders. Unlike schandgeige close relative, the cangue, yokes were not normally used as punishment. Their main function was to disable prisoners and slaves especially during travelas the yoke effectively forced the occupant while leaving his legs free. This particular kind of pillory, destined for an individual woman, resembled a violin, hence the name. The double version was used to punish women who quarelled with each other. Thus restrained, they were forced to face each other until the dispute was resolved schandgeige they were suitably penitent, which could take some time. The board was so large that those who wore it couldn't reach the mouth with their hands. The victim was forced to bring it for a period that could reach thirty days without interruption. Sometimes the cangue could be inserted in a bamboo cage in which the floor was removed leaving the victim suspended by neck. The head was locked in a small barrel, with hinges on one side to allow the closure. Above the small barrel there was a bigger one that was filled with icy water. The spout at the bottom had a spring-loaded control valve attached to a rope which allowed the officer administering the punishment to control the amount of water poured down upon the prisoner's head. The prisoners would have been submerged for few seconds before the water ran through around their necks and outside the cracks of the smaller barrel. This was used for shaming bad musicians. Schandgeige neck of the musician was forced through the upper round hole and the fingers were placed under the iron, which shows the many finger holes. This gave the impression that the musician was playing the flute. In Italy it was also used to punish who disturbed the Church's celebrations and, in particular in the Republic of Venice, who abused of anonymous denunciation for envy and malice.

The spout at the bottom had a spring-loaded control valve attached to a rope which allowed the officer administering the punishment to control the amount of water poured down upon the prisoner's head. The place is ok for beers but nothing else. Unlike its close relative, the cangue, yokes were not normally used as punishment. Killians Irish Pub This Pub is near the Frauenkirche, a bit hidden from sight. I assume he meant personal but whatever. Das Telefon ist nicht regelmäßig besetzt. Wir, das gesamte Team der Taverne zur Schandgeige, möchten uns ganz herzlich bei allen unseren Gästen und Freunden für ein erfolgreiches und lustiges Jahr 2018 bedanken. Falls dann keiner ran geht, brennt die Hütte. Food was served with a short wait and was really good.

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